GMAT, 2018 변경 사항 공지

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GMAT, 2018 변경 사항 공지

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New, Shorter GMAT Exam in Market

In April, we announced several changes to the GMAT? exam, most notably that the test is now 30 minutes shorter. Continuous improvement is part of our process and our commitment to candidates. When our market feedback indicated an opportunity to shorten the exam--without impacting scoring—we moved forward with this change.

The table below illustrates the total time for each section of the new GMAT exam and for comparison, the current data available on the GRE.

Shorter GMAT

Changes to Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning Sections

The most significant change to the new test is the reduction in the number of questions in the Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning sections.


This change does not affect GMAT exam scoring as the number of scored questions has not changed. The scoring algorithm is the same. The Total Score and individual Quantitative and Verbal section scores are comparable to the exams taken prior to this change.

In addition, it’s important to note that there were no changes to the exam content, question types or the average time per question.

We have also made some of the tutorial screens previously presented only in the Testing Center available prior to test day. Our research shows that candidates often felt rushed through these screens, so providing access in advance will help reduce stress and build confidence. (View our online tutorial)

Candidates will also still have the same number and length of time for their breaks during the exam.

Learn more about the GMAT exam advantage


GMAT? Enhanced Score Report (ESR) Enhancements

There are new enhancements to the GMAT? Enhanced Score Report (ESR) that allows candidates to analyze further and gain a better understanding of how to prepare.  The updates expand the fundamental skills in the verbal and quantitative sections, which include a new detailed table of performance for critical reasoning, sentence correction, and geometry.

See the demo