★ 2009-2010년 SPG Admission 총괄 정리표

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★ 2009-2010년 SPG Admission 총괄 정리표

SPG 0 7823

안녕하십니까. 회원 여러분,

2009-2010년도 저희 SPG는 여러분들의 성원에 힘입어, 마켓에서 가장 뛰어난 성과를 얻었습니다.

무엇보다도 저희 SPG는 회원들을 차별화 하거나 가려 받지 않은 상태에서 borderline에 있는 회원들을 탑스쿨에 합격시킴으로서 마켓에서 그 저력을 다시 각인 시키는 결실을 맺었습니다. 그리고 마켓에서 가장 안정적이고 system있는 서비스를 통해 여러분께 만족도를 최고화 하려 노력했습니다.

올해 2010-2011년 시즌에는 보다 강력한 MBA인력보강, 에세이 컨설팅 기술의 체계화, 영작수준의 향상, 인터뷰 코칭 quality 제고등 네가지 캣치 프레이즈를 걸고 여러분께 새로운 면을 보여드리겠습니다.



2009-2010 Admission Posting 총괄표
학 교 GMAT TOEFL 직장경력  
HBS 700-720 110-115 Media related industry  3-6 years  
Wharton 730-750 115-120 IT Service Industry 5 years  
Wharton 730-770 N/A Service Industry 2-5 years  
Wharton 700-740 110 around Finance related service 3-5 years  
Wharton 720-760 N/A Service industry 3-6 years  
Wharton 700-730 105-110 Manufacturing 5-8 years  
Wharton 740-780 N/A Industry service  5-9 years  
Wharton 730-760 waive Non-profit, manufacturing 3-6 years  
Wharton 740-770 N/A Service industry 5 years  
MIT 710-740 N/A Industry (IT) 2-5 years  
MIT early 700 N/A Service-related industry 3-6 years  
MIT about 700 N/A Finance related industry 3-5 years  
MIT 720-760 N/A Service related 3-6 years  
MIT 700-730 N/A Consumer Manufacturing  3-6 years  
MIT 720-760 N/A Finance related service 2-5 years  
MIT 700-730 N/A Non-profit finance 3-6 years  
MIT 720-760 N/A Service 3-6 years  
MIT 720-750 N/A Finance 2-5 years  
Kellogg 720-760 waive Service-related 3-6 years  
Kellogg 720-760 110 IT Industry 4-8 years  
Kellogg 720-760 110-115 Communication  Industry 3-6 years  
Kellogg 700-750 105-110 Service related industry 2-5 years  
Kellogg 710-750 N/A Non-industry 3-6 years  
Kellogg 700-740 110-115 IT Industry 4-7 years  
Kellogg 700-470 106-110 Industry 4-7 years  
Kellogg 710-750 110-120 Financial service 3-5 years  
Kellogg 720-760 110-120 Industry Service 3-6 years  
Kellogg 710-750 110 around Industry  5-8 years  
Chicago 700-740 N/A Finance and service industry 3-6 years  
Chicago about 700 waive Finance related industry 3-5 years  
Chicago 700-740 100-105 Non-profit  3-6 years  
Chicago 710-750 N/A Financial service 3-6 years  
Chicago 710-750 105-110 Service industry 3-6 years  
Chicago 730-760 waive Service 2-5 years  
Chicago 700-730 about 105 Finance 4-7 years  
Tuck about 720 about 107 Manufacturing  5 years Early
Tuck about 700 about 105 Service related 5 years Early
Tuck about 730 N/A IT industry 5 years Early
Tuck about 700 N/A Finance related 3-5 years  Early
Tuck about 720 N/A Industry 5 years  
Tuck 710-750 105-110 Industry 4-8 years  
Berkeley 710-750 N/A Service related industry 3-6 years  
Columbia 710-740