Admission Posting 총괄표(2013/4/5) 현재

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Admission Posting 총괄표(2013/4/5) 현재

SPG 0 8470

2012-2013 Admission Posting 총괄표

학 교 GMAT TOEFL 직장경력 비 고
Sloan fellowship
700 < GMAT 105 < TOEFL Stanford Sloan fellowship  
Kennedy School
GRE about 1500 about 110 Service about 4-8 years  
Business School
720-770 over 110 Industry about 2-5 years  
Wharton 730-760 about 110 IT about 5 years 1R
Wharton 700-730 about 110 Service about 4-8 years 2R
Wharton 720 - 770 over 110 Industry about 3-6 years 2R
Wharton about 700 over 110 Service industry about 3-7 years 2R
Wharton about 730 about 105 Service about 5 years 2R
Wharton  about 730 waived service about 5 years 2R
Wharton 700 < GMAT about 110 Finance related about 5 years 2R
Wharton early 700 about 110  Service related about 5 years 2R
MIT Sloan 750 NA IT industry about 10 years Sloan Fellowship
MIT Sloan Fellowship  700 < GMAT 105 < TOEFL IT industry about 10 years Sloan Fellowship
Chicago Booth 720 - 770 over 110 Industry about 3-6 years 2R
Chicago Booth about 750 over 110 Finance related service about 3-6 years 2R
Chicago 720 - 770 about 110 Industry about 3-7 years 2R
Chicago about 740 over 110 Finance and service about 5 years 2R
Chicago about 720 about 110 Finance about 3-7 years 2R
Kellogg 710-740 around 110 industry 7~10years 1R
Kellogg about 740 waived Service related about 5 years 1R
Kellogg 730 - 770 over 110 Service about 3-6 years 2R
Kellogg about 750 over 110 Industry about 3-7 years 2R
UCLA about 720 about 110 Finance about 5-10 years 2R
UCLA 720-770 about 110 Service about 5 years 2R
UCLA around 700 110 - 130 IT about 7-9 years 2R
UC Berkeley Haas about 710-750  about 110 Service about 4-8 years 2R
UC Berkeley Haas 710-750 around 110 Industry about 10 years 1R
Boston University 620-660 around 100 Industry about 5years  2R
Cornell MSH 700 < GMAT 105 < TOEFL IT Service over 7 years  
Columbia about 730 105-110 Fiannce about 5 years  
Columbia about 710 about 105 Industry about 7-10 years  
Columbia early 700 about 110 industry about 7~10years  
Columbia University GRE about 1500  about 110 Service about 4-8 years Arts Administration
CUHK 600 - 650   Finance about 5~8 years 2R
CBS  early 700 about 110 industry about 7~10years  
Tuck early 700 105 < Toefl  Industry over 5 years early 
Tuck about 700 about 110 Service about 3-6 years early 
Tuck about 750 waived finance related about 4-7 years early 
Duke about 700 about 105 Industry about 10 years 1R
Duke 700 < GMAT 105 < TOEFL Industry about 5 years 1R
NYU about 720 about 110 Finance banking about 5 years