올해 마지막 해외 Top School들의 MBA/ 대학원 Fair : 10/31(목) 역삼동 르네상스에서

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올해 마지막 해외 Top School들의 MBA/ 대학원 Fair : 10/31(목) 역삼동 르네상스에서

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유학을 생각 중인 분들을 위한 2013 마지막 해외 학교 Tour 참석 기회입니다!

10/31(목) 서울 역삼동 르네상스 호텔에서 해외 Top School 입학 담당자들을 만나보세요.

이번 세션은 해외로 석,박사 과정을 진학하는 것을 생각하시는 분들은 위한 World Grad School Tour도 같이 열립니다.  다양한 전공을 갖고 계신 학부생들, 학부 때의 전공과 다른 전공을 하고 싶으신 분, Job 경력이 없어서 MBA 진학을 망설이시는 분등 해외유학을 생각하고 계신 모든 분들을 초대합니다.  

아래의 링크 눌러서 지금 곧 등록하세요!


One venue, two great events! Find your TopMBA, Masters or LL.M

Ready to take that next step towards a better career and a richer, more global lifestyle? On October 31st, QS is bringing two great events to Seoul that will give you the information and connections you need to make to set off on your journey.

The World MBA Tour brings over 40 of the world's best MBA programs to Seoul for an evening of seminars, info sessions and networking. Attend a free GMAT prep seminar, speak one-on-one with admissions directors, and participate in a panel discussion with graduates from Harvard, Stanford and Kellog.

At the World Grad School Tour, meet university reps from around the world and get advice on admissions requirements, studying abroad as a mature student, and funding your studies. Courses range from  Management, Finance, Marketing, Accountancy, LL.M and more

Features of the fairs:

qs-bullet.gifMeet directly with admissions directors from the world's top universities
qs-bullet.gifFree GMAT and IELTS seminars
qs-bullet.gifNetwork with alumni from Harvard, Boston University, Kellogg and more
qs-bullet.gifGet advice on funding your degree and post-graduation careers
qs-bullet.gifUS$1.2 million in scholarships available to all attendees


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World MBA Tour

Thursday, October 31st

Renaissance Seoul Hotel
Info Sessions start - 4:30pm
Fair opens - 6:30pm



reg-btn-large-lm.gifRegister now ≫reg-btn-large-rm.gif

World Grad School Tour

TThursday, October 31st

Renaissance Seoul Hotel
Info Sessions start - 3:30pm
Fair opens - 5pm



Participating MBA, Masters and LL.M include:

USAClaremont - Drucker Graduate School of Management •  Duke – Fuqua •  Hult International Business School • George Washington University •  Loyola University Law School •  Maryland – Smith • Michigan - Global MBA •   Michigan State •  SMU Cox • St John's – Tobin •  The Wharton School (Alumni) • University of San Diego School of Law  •     USC Marshall  •   Vanderbilt - Owen • Wake Forest Schools of Business • Washington – Olin UNITED KINGDOM:  London Business School • Manchester Business School • Cass Business School •  Cranfield School of Management  • Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University CONTINENTAL EUROPE: INSEAD •  EMLYON Business School •  ESSEC •  IMD •  IE Business School • IESE Business School • ESADE HONG KONG: The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) • The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) •  The University of Hong Kong (HKU)  • Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Faculty of Business  MAINLAND CHINA: CEIBS • Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance  • Peking University – BiMBA  •  Fudan University School of Management  •  Tsinghua University, School of Economics & ManagementSINGAPORE: National University of Singapore (NUS) •  Singapore Management University • Nanyang Business School (NTU)  SOUTH KOREA Korea University Business School...and many more leading international business schools and law schools


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