Transfer Summit Gives Community College Students Head Start in Navigating University Journey

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Transfer Summit Gives Community College Students Head Start in Navigat…

SPG 0 560

July 1, 2024


CSUF's Transfer Summit gives incoming students the opportunity to learn about navigating the university.

Community college transfer student Patricia Madrid earned an associate degree more than 30 years ago and is returning to college to earn a bachelor’s degree in human services at Cal State Fullerton.

Fellow incoming transfer student Christina Matias is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in public health after serving in the U.S. Navy and working as a dental assistant.

To prepare for the transition to the university this fall and give them a head start, Madrid and Matias were among more than 60 students who participated in CSUF’s inaugural Transfer Summit.

원문링크 : Transfer Summit Gives Community College Students Head Start in Navigating University Journey | CSUF News (