How to Transfer Credits from One College to Another: A Comprehensive Guide

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How to Transfer Credits from One College to Another: A Comprehensive G…

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Based on data from the National Center for Education Statistics,

the probability of losing a portion or all of your previously acquired college credits when transferring is 70%.

This loss of credit can result in significant financial consequences, amounting to thousands of dollars.

The primary cause of this situation is attributed to transfer policies that are often beyond your control.

Students save time and money by choosing the right college that accepts the credits from the previous institution.

Students do not repeat the same course curriculum as they pursue higher education.

Without losing a single credit, transfer students can achieve faster degree program completion,

and greater flexibility in choosing a higher study program.


Given the fact that one-third of the students in the US transfer college credits each year,

this step-by-step guide will explain how they should approach college transfer and still hold their credits from the previous one.

However, some colleges use a quarter system, where each course is worth four credits,

and a minimum of 160 credits are required to earn a degree.

October 26, 2023

New England Tech

원문링크 : How to Transfer Credits from One College to Another: A Comprehensive Guide - NEIT