College Access in California

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College Access in California

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About three in five Californians enroll in college just after high school. 

Recent data show that just over 62% of the 435,000 students who graduated from high school in spring 2020 enrolled in college within 12 months, down from a recent peak of 67% in 2017–18.

Enrollment rates are below average for low-income (54%) and English Learner students (42%).

Just over half (55%) of Black and Latino graduates enrolled in college, compared to 68% of white students and 86% of Asian students. Women (nearly 68%) are significantly more likely to enroll than men (57%).

College enrollment rates were highest among graduates from the Bay Area (72%), and lowest in the Inland Empire and San Joaquin Valley (53%). Southern California (67%), the Central Coast (also 67%), and the far north (59%) were close to the statewide average.

Whether and where students go to college varies regionally and demographically248c03cc220c8c093225978d24bdf757_1719902123_9734.png

SOURCES: California Department of Education, College-Going Rate (CGR) data; National Student Clearinghouse (NSC).

NOTES: “All Students” includes students who graduate from a California public high school with a regular diploma as well as non-graduate completers—students with GEDs and other similar certificates, but not those who receive Special Education Certificates of Completion.

Student information is unavailable in some cases due to privacy rights. Regions are based on the grouping of counties in the 2020 census.

원문링크 : College Access in California - Public Policy Institute of California (