Community college-to-UC pipeline gets a boost as California ‘guarantees’ transfers

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Community college-to-UC pipeline gets a boost as California ‘guarantee…

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For every two freshmen enrolled in a college in the University of California system,

administrators say they would like to enroll one transfer student from a California community college.

Whether they succeed depends on the campus and the year and the community college enrollment

but that’s the goal all nine undergraduate campuses strive toward, said Gary Clark,

the associate vice chancellor for enrollment management at the University of California, Los Angeles.

To reach that goal and also diversify the transfer population, university leaders announced

a new program at UCLA designed specifically for students at community colleges

that have historically sent few transfers to the University of California.

UCLA will give these students’ applications special consideration, and if they don’t get in,

they’ll be guaranteed admission to another campus in the UC system,

which should boost the overall number of students transferring into the University of California.

by OLIVIA SANCHEZ November 17, 2023

원문링크 : Community college-to-UC pipeline gets a boost as California 'guarantees' transfers (