5 Benefits of Going to Community College and Then Transferring

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5 Benefits of Going to Community College and Then Transferring

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Many high school graduates feel pressured to follow the traditional college pathway – the four-year commitment, the bachelor’s degree, the campus living. And while this is a great experience for many individuals, it is not the right move for everyone.

Some students are not ready to attend a college or university directly after high school. Some need time to explore their interests, establish goals, build their skillsets, and plan a budget before committing to a university.

For these individuals, community college offers a great way to stay in the school mindset, explore potential career interests, and save money while knocking out prerequisites for a longer-term degree.

Of course, the thought of transferring from school to school can be intimidating. You may be wondering, is it really worth it? What is the benefit of attending a community college, then transferring to a university? Will I have trouble transferring to a university after starting at a local, community school?

원문링크 : Going to Community College, Then Transferring | Goodwin University