2019-2020 Deadlines & Essays:USC Marshall

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2019-2020 Deadlines & Essays:USC Marshall

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USC Marshall essay tips

USC Marshall MBA Essay Tips

What is your specific, immediate short-term careergoal upon completion of your MBA? Please include an intended position,function, and industry in your response. (100 words)


Pleaserespond to ONLY ONE of the following essay topics. (500 words)

1. If you could pack the story of your life in a briefcase with 10items, what items would you pack and why? Respond in list form.

2. You are asked to design a course to be taught at the Marshall Schoolof Business. Please provide a title and description for the course.

3. You have been hired by the Marshall MBA Admissions Committee tocreate an essay question for next year’s application. Please state the questionand answer it.


Please provide any additional information that willenhance our understanding of your candidacy for the program. (250 words)



Round 1Deadline: October 15, 2018
Round 2 Deadline: January 5, 2019
Round 3 Deadline: March 1, 2019
Round 4 Deadline: April 15, 2019
Round 5 Deadline: rolling admissions